

How to Find the Next Big Idea for Your Business

Thursday 23 November 2017

/ by Fx

Do you know how, when you learn a new word for the first time, you suddenly start hearing it all over the place? The truth is that you've probably heard the word before, but your brain simply dismissed it.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partners Jason Balin and Chris Haddon explain that the same concept applies to business and big ideas. Unless you're ready to hear and accept a new idea, you might dismiss something that can radically change your business. 
This is only natural and can be hard to combat. But, you should know that about yourself and try to be more curious when you hear new ideas for the first time. Conversely, when you're trying to convince someone of the value of your own big idea, be patient. Realize that it takes time for people to be ready to accept your idea, and give them little hints and clues that can help them come around to your way of thinking eventually.
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